Newsletter 03/10 | Turin, 2010 March 19th
Yes, we are! The 2010 MX-5 Rallies Season, named “MMX5 – 2010 Tour”, organized by Mazda Motor Italia and its Dealer Network, in collaboration with RIM (Registro Italiano Mazda MX-5) has planned 8 appointments and so we are able to communicate that the 2010 Rallies Calendar is already online (keep one eyes our website for the eventual updates)! Let’s start scheduling your most interesting dates and join your MX-5 Friends here in Italy: don’t miss the opportunity to become a real protagonist of the “MMX5 – Tour 2010”!
Start in Sicily… sounds good!
In the previous newsletter we have anticipated a meeting in Sicily and now we are confirming that the big 2010 Rallies Season opening will be in this great island in which the last year we have already been protagonists with the important support of the independent Club, Miata Club Sicilia. Catania and its beauty have remained in our heart and so we can officially announce that Sunday, April 18th the “MMX5 – 2010 Tour” will be inaugurated by the 2nd Rally organized by Mazda Essedue in Catania, in collaboration with the independent Club Miata Club Sicilia, Mazda Motor Italia and the RIM Staff. Next days you will receive all the other infos, the enrolment form and the costs to participate at this wonderful Rally. Opening the 2010 Season with Mazda Essedue and the Miata Club Sicilia, that this year, in June, will celebrate its 10th birthday with a catchy Sicilmiata (the historical yearly Club meeting) and it’s really one of the most beautiful things that we could party. Join us!
Quattroruote Raduno dei Raduni (Rally of the rallies): a unic event
The 2010 Rallies Season will be really intense. Beyond all the dates of the “MMX5 – Tour 2010”, all the MX-5 Independent Clubs meetings and many surprises, there will be a very special and exclusive event, organized by the italian review Quattroruote. It’s the “Raduni dei Raduni” (Rally of the Rallies”), a meeting reserved to the most important Official Automobile Clubs of different brands, that will take place Saturday April 24th in the Vairano racetrack (PV). It will be fun! We will be protagonists of a very big party with many games, expositions and prizes and we could also line up our “jewels” in the back straight with all the others car models. The organisation will wait for about 1.500 cars and every Club could take a maximum of 100 crews each. Next days we will send all the infos to participate but we can assure that Mazda Motor Italia will astonish you with many surprises. On April 24th don’t schedule any other appointment: you can’t miss this one-time opportunity.
Only one day to go for the “Le Strade della Rinascita” (The Renaissance Streets) Rally that will be in Avezzano (AQ), in Abruzzo, and so with Mazda Motor Italia we would send our big “Good Luck” to “Super Ginger”, the Lady that till the last time is accepting subscriptions for this big event. Nobody has to rest at home, so you could still send to Ginger an email (radunomx5@interfree.it). Do you really want miss the guest star Tom Matano? Avezzano people, Ginger, Tom Matano and Mazda Dealer Piemme are waiting for you!!!!
Season is open! We are ready to start… and you?
The RIM Staff
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